Saturday, September 27, 2008


Why Add you site to A Dofollow Blog Directory/Search Engine

Despite my busy schedule; attending to personal stuffs, and going out of town in the next two hours, I happened to come across this cool website where you can list your own dofollow blog to their directory and to their own dofollow search engine. Add your own dofollow blog especially if it has a Dofollow CommentLuv or Dofollow Top Commenters plug in, so that bloggers will find and interact with you.

Do Follow Diver! Dive in now!

Well, I have my own Blog Directory too! and it's a dofollow blog also, and don't forget this blog is a dofollow too! Add your link!

Be part of the Billion Links

And here is an updated list by Yan of Thoushallblog were you can find dofollow blogs with a Top commenters and CommentLuv plug ins. You may as well try to visit those sites on the list. Commenting to these sites by commenting well give you quality backlinks thereby increasing your Google PR as well as Technorati Rank.

Best Places to Get Quality Backlinks

Have a Blessed Sunday everyone! Hasta Luego!

Don't forget to comment on this post. This blog is a dofollow!

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Sunday, September 21, 2008


A Blogging and Traffic Tips Carnival Fifth Edition!

Browse previous Blogging and Traffic tips Carnivals:


Welcome to the September 20, 2008 edition of a blogging and traffic tips carnival. Sadly, this edition's submissions lean towards article marketing, and e-booking. There haven't much about blogging and traffic tips, so out of more than a hundred submissions below is the list who made it to the cut. There are no exact paramaters on how I chose these articles. haha. As long as a title sounds nice, and when I visit its page it looks worthy enough then it's not out of the list. You can find some nice articles below so might as well check them out.hmm. See you guys, I still have to study for my exams.

Carl Ringwall presents It?s Important To Feed Your Data

KCLau presents How not to Spend that Money?

WordPress Hacker presents Auto Create Navigation Tabs for New WordPress Pages


Nesher presents AdSense Ads Management Plugin for WordPress Blogs


Devil Blogger presents Label Cloud Hack for Blogger Blogs posted on SEO, Blogging tips , Traffic tips and Moneymaking Online

Money for Military presents Two Years of Blogging for Money for Military

SEO Genius presents Blogging | 7 Factors that determine a blogs success

John Sullivan presents Blogging tips,tricks and pogo sticks | POTPOLITICS™

Elias Tsepouridis presents PopTopRanks Stats Update on Personal Finance Blogs | FinancePuzzle

Kevin Brink presents How Do You Read Your Favorite Blogs?

SEO Genius presents Blogging | Are you ready to blog?

Allison Nazarian presents Can your Virtual Assistant blog and website be one and the same?

Kacper Wrzesniewski presents How I organize blogging ideas

Byteful Project presents How to Balance Blogging and Travelling

Raivyn presents Why You Should Subscribe to Your Own Feeds

simon presents 25 + 1 Tips to Increase your Subscribers

Brian Terry presents 7 ways to design a website? without designing a website

moneymaking online

markcijo presents Are Drop Ship Directories Really Worth The Money? Here Is A Guide...SEO, E Commerce Help Resource.

Hustler Moneyblog presents Make Thousands of Dollars Per Year

Jimmy Adames presents Article Marketing Strategies - 4 Practical Steps To Success

MoneyNing presents Blog Income - August 2008

Brian Terry presents 10 BIG Selling "Must Have" Website Design Resources?

MoneyNing presents 8 Things My Wife Taught Me About Affiliate Marketing


Fred Black presents Playing Chicken with Google

simon presents Homepage Excerpts Wordpress Plugin


Adam Freedman presents How to Use a Myspace Bot and Not Get Deleted

PT presents PF Buzz Will Bring You Quality Traffic | Prime Time Money

drew presents How Does Your Blog's Template Design Affect Your Blog's Traffic and Appeal?

Peter Lee presents Discover Magic of Entrecard U Drop I Link| New Work At Home Ideas

Brian Terry presents 7 Revealing Questions About Your Website Design You Probably Wished You Asked Earlier?

Wakish presents Revealing My Experience With How Inactivity Affects My Blog's Growth

Damien presents Use Forums to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Steve C presents 8 Tips on How to Get More Traffic to Your Online Store

Welly Mulia presents 1 Powerful Trick To Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Income

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
a blogging and traffic tips carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

Technorati tags:

, .

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Thursday, September 18, 2008


Label Cloud Hack for Blogger Blogs

Today's post is about how to convert your ordinary blogger label list into a more interactive and nice-looking label cloud.

  • First you need to log in to your blogger blog.
  • Then click layouts, add gadget, and pick Labels from the list.
  • Tick the Alphabetically option when prompted.
  • After it you need to go to your Edit HTML on the Layouts tab.
  • Look for a code SIMILAR to this (some codes may vary), you can use the the CTRL+F function:
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>

  • And then change the above code with the succeeding code:
( if the below code won't work, download the code from here)

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Label Cloud' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>

<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='labelCloud'/>
<p align='center'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var cloudMin = 1;
var maxFontSize = 25;
var maxColor = [0,255,0];
var minFontSize = 10;
var minColor = [0,0,0];
var lcShowCount = false;
// Don't change anything past this point -----------------
// Cloud function s() ripped from
function s(a,b,i,x){
var m=(a-b)/Math.log(x),v=a-Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m)
var m=(b-a)/Math.log(x),v=Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m+a)
return v

var c=[];
var labelCount = new Array();
var ts = new Object;
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
var theName = &quot;<>&quot;;
ts[theName] = <data:label.count/>;

for (t in ts){
if (!labelCount[ts[t]]){
labelCount[ts[t]] = new Array(ts[t])
var ta=cloudMin-1;
tz = labelCount.length - cloudMin;
lc2 = document.getElementById(&#39;labelCloud&#39;);
ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
ul.className = &#39;label-cloud&#39;;
for(var t in ts){
if(ts[t] &lt; cloudMin){
for (var i=0;3 &gt; i;i++) {
var fs = s(minFontSize,maxFontSize,ts[t]-ta,tz);
li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;); = fs+&#39;px&#39;;

a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
a.title = ts[t]+&#39; Posts in &#39;+t; = &#39;rgb(&#39;+c[0]+&#39;,&#39;+c[1]+&#39;,&#39;+c[2]+&#39;)&#39;;
a.href = &#39;/search/label/&#39;+encodeURIComponent(t);
if (lcShowCount){
span = document.createElement(&#39;span&#39;);
span.innerHTML = &#39;(&#39;+ts[t]+&#39;) &#39;;
span.className = &#39;label-count&#39;;
else {
abnk = document.createTextNode(&#39; &#39;);
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>
<br/>Powered By:<small><a href=''>Devil Blogger</a></small>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>


  • Next is to find this code:
  • And then change the above code with this:
(If the below code doesn't work, download the code from here)

#labelCloud {text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li{display:inline;background-image:none !important;padding:0 5px;margin:0;vertical-align:baseline !important;border:0 !important;}
#labelCloud ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}
#labelCloud a img{border:0;display:inline;margin:0 0 0 3px;padding:0}
#labelCloud a{text-decoration:none}
#labelCloud a:hover{text-decoration:underline}
#labelCloud li a{}
#labelCloud .label-cloud {}
#labelCloud .label-count {padding-left:0.2em;font-size:9px;color:#000}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li:before{content:&quot;&quot; !important}

  • There you have it! enjoy!

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Monday, September 15, 2008


List of Ping Services

Hey guys I'm back after a week of inactivity. I've been busy these days and I started joining a capoeira class last Saturday. haha. Right now I'm under the spell of muscle sore and I am expecting more pains in the future. Please join me in my hoping to learn the perfect head stand, in yoga it is considered as the king of poses (don't ask me why), and the perfect kicks ( so I can kick you butt and I be happy to see you fly off), and the perfect cartwheel. hmm.

Anyway, I've encountered a list of Ping Services while browsing through some famous reads. I will share them to you guys, but never mind this list if you already have this, might as well comment your additional ping services so I can add it here on the long list. If you ask me why I post this list eventhough you already have known of this, well just think that you may have not noticed some of them, or you may have opt not to care about pinging one until you have read this. jaja

Just be cautious about using these pings. After all, they won't bring you a massive traffic as you hope them too. I recommend using the technorati ping, and the feedburner.



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Sunday, September 7, 2008


hey there!

Hey guys. I'm so sorry for not having any post last week, and for this day. I was so busy and will be for the next days. Unfortunately, my aunts were busy, too, asking me to buys stuffs for them. Because they live in another country and they kinda miss some filipino foods. So that's why. As of this writing I had finished downloading and watching the movie 21. It's really nice. I have a few pages of an Ebook by Stephenie Meyer, Twilight of the Twilight Series. It's not so teeny boppery kind of book.That's why I'm pretty sure you'll gonna love it. Actually, a movie is coming this November, and Cedric Diggory of Harry Potter will star as Edward Cullen on the movie. I had my first post for the "Brazy Sundays" series minutes ago. Just click Pinoymodels Link above and you'll see. Hmm. As you will notice I've got a "slight" problem with time management so this other blog of mine ends up last.

By the way, We've just got our midterm marks, fortunately I failed all four majors of mine. I'm so happy for myself. My parents don't know it yet. But I'm sure they won't scold me for it. They are thinking I am doing my best, when I am not. When I am busy doing other stuffs like selling on and buying stuffs from ebay, a timewaster. I actually end up not having to possess the item I most desired, an Anne rice hardbound. Too bad for me. That seller will receive a slap in the butt. For killing me softly. He did not text whatsoever eventhough I already paid, but a mere say of sending it ASAP. But where is it now? That I do not know.

Anyway, I have to go now. I've been online for more htan 12 hours, with intermittent breaks of course, otherwise I'm scooping my eyeballs this moment. I'll be doing yoga and will take some midnight baths before I go to sleep. My back is getting stiff and my neck needs a little twist. bye! see ya! Just read my latest Carnival. It's a great help! I promise.

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Sunday, August 31, 2008


A Blogging and Traffic Tips Carnival Fourth Edition!

Welcome to the August 31, 2008 edition of a blogging and traffic tips carnival.

Davin Warner presents 10 Things money making bloggers should avoid posted at Absolutely Random Stuff..


shounn presents Adsense above Post Title posted at Devil Blogger.

blogging tips

shounn presents How to add Social Bookmarking Icons to your site posted at Devil Blogger.

shounn presents Buy Me a Beer Plug-in Hack for Blogger Blogs posted at Devil Blogger
Paula Brett presents RSS Feed Explained posted at

Rodney Smith presents Bling your blog with free images posted at Hippo Web Solutions, saying, "Liven up your blog posts with free images - it may help pull in readers!"

Richard P. McLaughlin presents WordPress Translation Plugin posted at Cheap Keywords.

Nesher presents Spice your Blog with relevant content with Zemanta Plug-in posted at Blogging for Good in the Modern World.

Richard Adams presents Microblogging For Profits posted at No More Compromise.

Rob Edmond presents Top 10 Ways to Make Your Blog Writing Convert Into Sales posted at Blog To Great, saying, "Simple tips to turn your posts into sales !!!"

Aahz presents Lighten The Load Of Your WordPress Blog - Part One posted at Philaahzophy, saying, "Your WordPress blog works hard for you. How about making its job a little easier?"

moneymaking online

Raymond presents How To Make Money From Balance Transfer Credit Cards posted at Money Blue Book.

Swollen Pickles presents 10 tips to becoming a Make Money Online sheep posted at Swollen Pickles.

Cybeslacking presents Cyberslacking tools on-line posted at Glowicki ProBlogger - Blogging Tips, saying, "bored in job? here you have tools to cyberslack and some decent ideas!"


SEO Genius presents SEO Tutorials| All in one SEO posted at SEO Tutorials - SEO Tips and Tricks - Marketing Articles, saying, "A great array of SEO articles from the basics to not so basics these articles tell you everything you need to know to get your website ranked first."

Richard P. McLaughlin presents Asking For A Stumble posted at Cheap Keywords..

traffic tips

Traffic2mypage presents Maximizing your web traffic by understanding the bell theory of article marketing posted at, saying, "For most, writing and submitting articles online is a great tool to build reputation, that can position you as an expert, as well as build backlinks that ultimately will increase web traffic. But many if not most, fail to understand a basic fundamental of the Google algorithm, and worse don’t take advantage of it."

MoneyNing presents Spend Money On Good Web Hosting posted at Busy Blogging Dot Com, saying, "Don't be cheap about web hosting! You won't be sorry in the long run!"

Kacper Wrzesniewski presents My Top 5 Traffic Sources After 6 Months Blogging posted at, saying, "I prepared short list of my top 5 traffic sources since the beginning of my blog."

seanjames presents How I get Thousand Visits by optimizing Images! posted at Practical Jokes.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
a blogging and traffic tips carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

Technorati tags:

a blogging and traffic tips carnival, blog carnival.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008


How I get Thousand Visits by optimizing Images!

Firstly, you put images in your post as it is relevant to your article. Besides, a post with a picture is way pleasing to read than an article without one. Searchbots will crawl your page, unless you’re page is not indexed, so when someone does an image search a 20 and plus words will be shown beneath it. So make sure you have mentioned your keywords around your image so that crawlers will pick it up, whether above the image or below it.

Second. Try to rename your image as what it purports to be. So if you have a picture of Shounn Cabacci (me) on your post, then you should avoid it getting named as image050.jpg but shounncabacci.jpg, or similar. It surely helps in search ranks.

Third. Insert keywords in the alt ext in the code of your image. This is the most effective image optimization of all. Insert relevant keywords or phrase in the code for your image file. Here’s an example:

  • Alt keywords/phrase here”>

Fourth. As I was saying earlier and surely you know about this, that a picture speaks a million words and having one on your blog article will increase the chances of visitors to stop by on your page and read it. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that you can “pirate” pictures from the current google image searches and use it. Use it to your advantage, just don’t overdo it. Adding images should be relevant to your topic. No need to explain it because it’s SEX, that is self-explanatory. Haha


Okay let me do this little experiment...

This is a picture of money. Hmm. How i wish i have more than this:


That’s all folks!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008


Adsense above Post Title

Surely placing you adsense units at the heat areas will increase its click-through rates. In this guide, I shall discuss to you how to add adsense link units above the post title. Without much ado, here’s how it is to be done:

· Search this code on your html edit page:

<div id='main-wrapper'>

· Now log on to your to your adsense account and select the link units for ads.

· Copy the adsense code and parse it here. HTML ESCAPER

· Or you can parse it manually by opening an MS word and changing the signs of the code (do the CTRL + F function and replace all method):

      • < with &lt;
      • > with &gt;
      • " with &quot;

· Add this code above the adsense code:

<div id='ga-ads'>

· Add this code below the adsense code to close it:


  • Then add the whole code below this code:

<div id='main-wrapper'>

    • But above this code:

<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>

  • Mine looked like this:

<div id='content-wrapper'>

<div id='main-wrapper'>

<div id='ga-ads'>

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;!--

google_ad_client = &quot;pub-5641168848285615&quot;;

/* 468x15, created 8/4/08 */

google_ad_slot = &quot;4436665552&quot;;

google_ad_width = 468;

google_ad_height = 15;



&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;




<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>

<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'>


There you have it folks!

I hope this helps!

Although I dunno why the first paragraph's font is so large and my editing of it is not working...

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Friday, August 22, 2008


Buzz! It's Yahoo Buzz!

I’m back from two weeks of agony. Just kidding. I was taking our midterms exams, unfortunately the results came out and I did not top. Haha. (What’s funny?)

Okay.Hey guys. Do you know which website who’s got the most traffic in the whole wide world web? Its Yahoo! Haha. I know you know.

Of course you may have run across this same article already but it’s worth reading if you haven’t pinned the Yahoo Buzz button on you every blog post. Yes! The Yahoo Buzz button. It’s a Digg style button which viewers can vote for your article. Articles with the most votes ends up on the Yahoo Homepage itself!

I won’t be wasting my time (and yours) repeating what’s been said on the page you’re going to visit. Read them yourself!

Click here: right here.

Come try its power by click this button:

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Saturday, August 9, 2008


Blogging and Traffic Tips Carnival Third Edition!

Feel Free to browse my previous editions!

(my apologies for the this late posting!)

Welcome to the August 9, 2008 edition of a blogging and traffic tips carnival.

and1id presents tips make visitors posted at blog tips, saying, "tips make visitor"

Sally Thompson presents 50 Awesome Search Engines Every Librarian Should Know About posted at Best Colleges Online.

Paul Gallion presents Learn to Blog for Fun and Profit posted at Paul Gallion.

Carl Ringwall presents I Heartily Endorse 3WayLinks To Get Backlinks- Why: posted at Data SystemsPlus.

AndrewB presents 33 Reasons to Start a Blog posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Thinking about starting a blog but need Motivation? Or maybe you have a blog but have lost motivation to keep it updated. Here are 33 motivators to keep you going. This post was featured on and is very popular ;)"

AndrewB presents Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid as A Blogger posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Biggest time wasters for bloggers, a must read for any online content publisher"

Carl Ringwall presents How Useful are Automated Social Bookmarking Tools? posted at Data SystemsPlus.

Robert Phillips presents Do You Have a Purpose? posted at CYBERCA$HOLOGY.

Robert Phillips presents 3 Simple Ways to Increase Blog Traffic posted at How to Create a DVD without Spending a Dime.

AndrewB presents 5 SEO Tips - Get BackLinks For Free posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Maybe you are a blogger. Or maybe you have your own personal site that you want to promote, and get more traffic for. The following Tips will help you get more search engine results for your website ;)"


Michael Bass presents Google Adsense Revenue Jan 08 - June 08 posted at Debt Prison, saying, "Each month my profit from google adsense has increased by an average of $23.00 each month. At this rate I’ll make $1000.00 per month in three more years."

blogging tips

Guardian Angel presents Why you should also read Blogs that are Different from your Blog Niche posted at Humane Blogging Tips, saying, "Reading blogs that do not have the same blog niche as yours can also be advantageous."

Peter Lee presents How To Get Repeat Visitors To Your Blog | Work From Home Business Blog posted at Work From Home Business Blog.

Relax presents How to blog with great substance posted at The Wise Curve, saying, "I would conclude that, without much knowledge or input, the blog will lack substance as the author will not have much to offer. Maybe the author will just toss some photos and that’s all. Good output needs the backing and support of sufficient input. I would like to say that to have a substantial blog, it is best to pick a core theme that one knows best."

Nesher presents Nice Name for your Blog with Domain TK posted at Collection of the Web Freebies.

Relax presents Does Twitter really improve our life? posted at The Wise Curve, saying, "With all the media hype and high profile hoo-ha, Twitter really seems to be a phenomenon. Is Twitter really the next big thing? Or is it just another overrated junk website? Does it really help to improve our life and prosper societies?"

Robert Webb presents 10 Blog Traffic Tips posted at

Tip Diva presents Tip Diva | Top Ten Tips - Editing Your WordPress Blog Layout posted at Tip Diva, saying, "When you first download a WordPress blog, you find yourself looking at its default layout - boring! Here are ways to make your blog more unique and exciting by editing your layout"

moneymaking online

The Grinder presents Using Freerolls to Build a Bankroll posted at Low Stakes Poker Player, saying, "Many successful online poker players have never made a
deposit to an online poker room. How is this possible? Through
freeroll tournaments."

k5I-Iitij presents $$Earn Online$$: Increase the traffic: posted at Affiliate programs--Earn Online, saying, "This article reveals some easy ways (but require hard work) to make some handsome income online."

Christopher Johnson presents 10 Ways To Earn Money In Your Spare Time posted at, saying, "10 Ways To Earn Money In Your Spare Time

Value Seeker presents Stock Investment Resource: Stock Market Investing Tips - Democrats and Offshore Drilling posted at Stock Investing, saying, "Author discusses the lunacy of the Democratic opposition to offshore drilling."

Fred Black presents Are you Fishing with Bird Seed? posted at Fred Black: Internet Business Blog..

First Lady Of Poker presents Women?s Poker - A Growing Trend posted at Shopping and Poker Blog, saying, "Few people expected that women would take such an interest in a game that's traditionally considered such a male-orientated sport."

Raymond presents Work From Home With Paid Online Surveys posted at Money Blue Book.

Raymond presents How To Make Money From Balance Transfer Credit Cards posted at Money Blue Book.

MoneyNing presents Blog Income - July 2008 posted at Busy Blogging Dot Com, saying, "Hope to provide inspiration to all!"

Liz presents 7 Reasons Your Online Business Will Fail posted at Nitro Marketing Blog, saying, "Are you making these 7 common mistakes with your internet business?"

Ozone presents Bodog Seizure posted at Online Poker Strategy, saying, "Last week, the U.S. government seized $24 million from a unlicensed payment processor known as ZipPayments."

Richard Adams presents 99% Of Success Online Is Selecting The Right Niche posted at No More Compromise.

Steve Faber presents - Online Business Resources - The Most Important Sites For Internet Marketing Success posted at Home Based Business Success.

Helen Anderson presents Protect Yourself When Shopping Online posted at Savings Accounts.

Tammy Powell presents 3 Ways to Make $300 on eBay Now! posted at Majestic Tech by an Enlightened Wealth Institute student.

Tammy Powell presents Enlightened Wealth Institute student Tammy Powell » Blog Archive » » Making Money Online: Sharpen Your Skill Sets posted at Enlightened Wealth Institute student Tammy Powell.

Kenton Newby presents Six More Upgrades to Supercharge Your Wordpress Blog posted at


supermom_in_ny presents Instantly Add Your Do Follow Blog! posted at Getting Out of Debt, saying, "This site was created out of frustration. I implemented all the things that I thought were obstacles in current do follow blog lists. I hope other bloggers find it useful."

korprit zombie presents Make Money Online - SEO - Building This Blog part 1 posted at Beginner Investing.

Justin Briggs presents Zombie Sniper SEO Wordpress Theme posted at Nashville SEO Zombie, saying, "SEO Wordpress theme used for targeting Adsense niche blogs. A dark gray / black theme with green highlights."

SEO Genius presents SEO Tutorials| All in one SEO posted at SEO Tutorials - SEO Tips and Tricks - Marketing Articles, saying, "A great series of SEO tutorials, step by step guides and articles with the option to download the whole eBook guide too. This definitely is an inifinitve guide to SEO."

Carol Bentley presents Do you make these writing mistakes.. posted at Carol Bentley.

Traffic2mypage presents Increase web traffic @ Top 500 One Way Link Directories Sorted By Page Rank - Part II » posted at, saying, "Top 500 one way link directories to build website traffic and increase your page rank"

Raivyn presents Basic Blog SEO: Niche Blogging Series Part V posted at Idiot's Guide to Blogging.

Traffic2mypage presents Top 100 Paid One Way Link Directories Sorted By Page Rank posted at, saying, "There are two relevant reasons why you will want to submit to directories. First is to acquire more targeted increase of web traffic to your site. Second reason is to construct link popularity in anticipation of building your search engine ranking and also your page rank. Getting your page ranked in search engines will assist you in increasing your web traffic

Here is a directory listing of the top 100 paid one way link directories that are sorted by page rank that you can submit your site to"

Sam presents SEO Insider Secrets for Search Engine Optimization | Surfer Sam posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "SEO Insider Secrets
Make Your Site a Magnet for Well-Targeted Web Traffic
Use Search Engine Optimization
Bust through the Search Engine Rankings"

Carol Bentley presents An amazing array of gifts for you. . . posted at Carol Bentley.

traffic tips

Carol Bentley presents Marketing genius, Jay Abraham, gives it all away - almost posted at Carol Bentley.

Traffic2mypage presents Using OBP to increase web traffic - Part III - Youtube posted at, saying, "Commenting on other sites is a sure fire way to increase web traffic. But how do you find sites that has active click participation?? You use Youtube! Find blogs to comment or advertise on by using youtube statistics.. Read how"

Traffic2mypage presents Increase web traffic @ posted at Traffic2MyPage Blog, saying, "i have compiled a list of 500 directories sorted by highest page rank on my blog that you can submit your links to to increase web traffic to your site.... i"

Carol Bentley presents Recession? Count me out. . . posted at Carol Bentley.

Richard Elmes presents How to maximize the effectiveness of your daily commute or drive time posted at The Sales Dating Guy, saying, "How to maximize the effectiveness of your daily commute or drive time by Richard Elmes CSP, The Sales Dating Guy,"

John Szram presents 4 Simple Ways To Quickly Increase Website Traffic posted at Internet Business Blog By John Szram.

maria gudelis presents Advertising on Craigslist?why not?it?s FREE! posted at Maria Gudelis.

Raymond presents The Best Credit Card Rewards For Google Ads and Search Advertising posted at Money Blue Book.

Traffic2mypage presents Increase web traffic by diversion setups on Facebook posted at, saying, "How to use facebook to divert traffic from facebook"

James Hills presents Five Ways RSS and RSS Feeds can Help Your Business posted at mhn Integrated Online Marketing.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
a blogging and traffic tips carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

Technorati tags:

, .

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Friday, August 8, 2008


How to Make a Recent Droppers Widget!

Wondering how you can make a recent droppers widget on your blog? Then you must read the succeeding steps below. haha

First Part:

  • Log in to Blogger Dashboard
  • Click Layout
  • Click Add Page Element
  • Click the Feeds Widget
  • Enter the url of the RSS feed address from your Entrecard inbox
    • Why? It's because recent droppers are shown in your inbox.
Second Part:

  • Right click the RSS Button and select Copy Link Location

That's all folks! Enjoy

Did you miss?

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Thursday, August 7, 2008


Download the Entrecard Toolbar!

Though the red header image is knocked down for days now, though I spent hours of tweaking just to make it work again...Hello entrecard droppers, loyal readers, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, the much awaited entrebar is here.

I bet some of you guys have downloaded this already. But if you haven't then continue reading. haha

Anyway, guys the toolbar works for Firefox only, so if you're using IE 7, then you've got no choice but to dump it off. So I suggest you download the download Firefox 3 here.

Ok, that being said, I command you to download the Entrebar right Here!

Enjoy! Happy Droppin'

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


How to add Social Bookmarking Icons to your site

Today will talk about how to add social bookmarking icons on your site’s footer or header.

  • Note: this is for Blogger blogs only.
  • Log on to your dashboard
  • Click Layout
  • Click Edit HTML and tick expand widgets
  • Find this code if you want it to appear after every Post Title:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

  • Find this code if you want the icons to appear at the footer:

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
  • Find this code if you want the icons to appear at the end of every post but above the footer:

<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

  • Add this code below it:

Click here to retrieve the file

  • Preview it. And if you like how it looks then save it
  • If the above trick doesn’t work then contact me by commenting here. I’ll try to see what went wrong.
  • Source is:

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Monday, August 4, 2008


A new template!

I thank for my new template. As you can see, this one looks far better that the last uninviting one. Anyway, changing templates is a labor because you need to copy every necessary HTMLs on your blog which will get lost after you've downloaded the template. Being unexperienced with technical stuffs I was forced to learn, just now, how to view the file of a zipped file. I copied it and voila here it is.

OMG! where's the red background? This is supposed to be a blogger version of the wordpress' red premium template! The red background is lost! OMG! Lemme contact the maker....


See ya!

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Saturday, August 2, 2008


Buy Me a Beer Plug-in Hack for Blogger Blogs

Jealousy was what I felt when I see blogs when a Buy me a Beer plug in. The more I thought of it the more gusto it is for me to transfer to a wordpress blog. But then the power of hacking was called forth and was wielded into play. Haha

Anyway, you guys may have seen a similar post, but mine is simply better. Simply the best. haha


  • Log in to Paypal. If you don’t have an account sign up here.

  • Once you’re in click the Merchant Services tabs.

  • Scroll to the middle part until you see the Key features links on the right side, then click Donations.

  • Fill in the blank for Donation Name/Service:

  • Just leave the Donation ID and amount blank (leaving the amount blank will enable them to enter any amount like 100$ or 250$)

  • Select any button type but it doesn’t matter really.

  • Select no for button encryption.

  • Press create a button.

  • You will be provided with two links. One is an HTML for your website and the other is for your email or forum signature. Now copy the latter into a Wordpad or Notepad or better use MS word.

  • To be included in your blog’s html, we need to parse the code. Change all & to &amp; (press CRTL + F, click replace tab and click replace all)

  • You will now replace with your paypal code the text in the red part, replace the TEXT in blue with the desired text to precede the code, and lastly, replace the ANCHOR Text to be displayed in blue with the desired text you want to contain the code.

<div style='float:center;'>
<p><strong>TEXT<a href="YOUR PAYPAL PARSED LINK">Anchor Text to be Displayed</a></strong></p>


  • Go to layouts. Click Edit HTML. Check the expand widget box.

  • If you want the plug-in to appear at the end of your post enter the code immediately below this code:

<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

  • If you can’t find the code above, use your brain and find something similar. haha

  • If you wan to appear it immediately after the Post Title then post the code below this code:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

  • But if you want, you can have the code on both locations.

Now you have it! It’s that easy unless you aren’t following the steps. So if you find this helpful buy me a coffee! Click link below. haha

If you want to post a code on a blogpost but isn't shown as an HTML, then you need to parse it, use this HTML escaper.

here is a sample on how it also looked on my Pinoy Models Blog.

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Thursday, July 31, 2008


Why SIgn Up for Audio Ads

If you're not making it big with Google Adsense, Bidvertiser, Text Link Ads and etc, then don't miss the opportunity of earning through Pay Per Play Advertising. sign up here for free.

excerpt from the Article of Wall Street Journal

"If you're not making money off your blog, 2008 might be the year.

As more people see potential in earning money off the Internet, there is a quickly expanding array of advertising services and tools for bloggers that go well beyond the standard pay-per-click text ads or display ads.

Many of the most widely used programs are adding features to allow users to customize the appearance and placement of ads on their sites. Some also are introducing newer money-making mediums such as audio and video ads.

What's New: A growing array of services and tools are helping bloggers earn advertising dollars on their sites.
The Options: There are audio spots as well as ads tacked on to videos featured in blogs. Some tools also allow publishers to customize the appearance and placement of ads.
The Potential: Publishers and analysts say ad revenue will depend on a site's traffic, the trustworthiness of its content and the relevancy of the ads.

"There's going to be a lot of new business models in 2008 that are geared toward more monetization," says Pete Blackshaw, executive vice president of strategic services for Nielsen Online, the Web analysis unit of the Nielsen Co.

Blog publishers could certainly use the help in making money. The vast majority of publishers make less than $10 or $20 a month through advertising, according to Internet-advertising experts. How much money is made through advertising on a site depends much on how much traffic a site gets, the trustworthiness of the content and how relevant the ads are to the visitors.

Audio and Video

Starting Feb. 1, San Diego-based V2P Communications is offering five-to-eight-second audio ads, called NetAudioAds, that will automatically play when a visitor lands on a blog or Web site. Publishers sign up for the free service and V2P then lines up advertisers, who bid on rates they will pay to have their ads played on a given blog. Bids generally start around $14 per 1,000 plays. Blog publishers get a 25% cut of the ad revenue.

About 25,000 publishers have signed up so far, says Michael Knox, V2P's co-founder, and several large companies and 2008 presidential campaigns have expressed interest in becoming advertisers through the service. A site that gets 2,000 unique visitors per day with an advertiser paying $14 per 1,000 plays might earn $28 a day, or $196 a week."

SO what are you waiting for! sign up now!

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