Friday, June 20, 2008

The Five Easiest Ways to Flood your Site with Targeted Traffic!

I believe there are countless ways to drive traffic to your blog. Obviously of course, some are a lot effective than the others (like paying for traffic is one of them). Here, you’ll read about the five easiest if not the most effective ways to drive a million visitors if not readers to your page.

Backlinks. Backlinks are one way links to a site. The more your site has these links the more popular you are with the search robots. And based on my research you need at least 1000 backlinks to make a cut. This requires patience and not-thinking-of-it-all-the-time-attitude because you just can’t ask each and everyone you’ll encounter to put up a link of your site from theirs. It has to come naturally and that means you’ll have to have a good site with a good content so that you won’t have to ask them to trackback. This dedication of course will pay off overtime and will surely flood your site with your target audience.

Link Exchanges. Hello, it is what it sounds. You ask people to put up a link from their site to yours and then you do the same for them. But this of course will work only if your sites are similar or relevant. Search engines FYI are programmed to be particular about which links to consider as valid. Don’t exchange links with another website if yours is about sex and the other is about finance okay.

You can join a lot of link exchange sites. I said a lot right? Why not bother with these two popular ones: and My link exchange site:

Networking. One of the best ways to sky-rocket your blog/web traffic is to start a network of bloggers/site owners who does have the same content to yours. You’ll have to befriend them (hehe) so that those in the network will share and brainstorm ideas, award you comments, propose you suggestions, bestow you violent reactions and voice their disapprovals. If they have posts similar to yours they may offer trackbacks and more. This is not only a surefire way to drive traffic to your site, this is also a reason for Googlebots and other search robots to increase you search engine rankings.

Social Networking. Social networks offers a wide audience. And if you want to tap their traffic powers for free, then you have to register to theirs. I would suggest these sites if you don’t mind: Digg Stumbleupon Linkreferral, Trafficswarm, Reddit. Del.ici.ous and others. And add me as friend, just search for shawncabacci.


a) You can send your site endorsements via email and sms.

b) You can tell your friends and family orally.

c) Buy ad spots on small sites with huge traffic but that means money of course.

d) Try Bidvertiser, they’ll give 20$ worth of free credits (click banner up) Google Adwords and more.

The bottom line of these all is profit. So be careful because you may end up paying, let’s say, 1000$ per month for ads but you only earn a modest 2$ on your sales or whatever.

My last words would be: I fail a lot of times. But I believe failure is the postponement of a greater success. Success doesn’t happen overtime. FOR NOW, I’m still a newbie (like you, because if you ain’t then why the hell are you reading this man?) when it comes to these things but when tomorrow comes, I will be the next big thing. Watch out!

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Anonymous said...

Great post! Thanks. dugg this.