Monday, June 23, 2008

CashCrate:Earn Money Online!


I have stumbled across a website who says she's earning 2000 dollars plus from CashCrate. I really don't know if that website owner who showed her check on one of her pages was a real thing. But I believe it is. For one thing though, you won't advertise useless links, right? And then then the second thing would be, she should be trusting CashCrate because she's getting a decent traffic and won't spend a useful space for a totally useless distraction.
Anyway, as I was browsing through CashCrate's pages I didn't find any questionable things. They have a copyright claim, an anti-spam policy (so the site isn't a splog itself) and then my site advisor didn't block it.

Things you that I think you ought to know about CashCrate:

  • Promoting on Friendster, Facebook, Myspace and etc. will get you banned. Read their anti-spam policy first for more info. ( these sites have there own ads running)
  • Minimum payout is 10$ but you can change it of course.
  • You can refer people and earn commissions.
  • You can exchange points for cool stuffs like iPod Video 30GB, PSP 3 and etc.
  • You can start earning cash by completing offers, answering surveys, and going shopping.
Join Now!

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