Monday, July 7, 2008

How To Make a Recent Comments Widget on Blogger

Warning: This just a simple how-to

Somebody asked me to post about a widget that posts recent comments you have received. Without much ado here how it is done:

(Note: limited to 5 entries only)

(I assume you are using BLogger.)

  1. Make sure that Comment Feeds is enabled.
    1. Log on to you blogger account.
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Site feed
    4. Click Advance Mode
    5. And do what’s shown on the encircled part below.
    6. Then save the settings.

  1. Let’s do the second part.
    1. Click Layouts
    2. Click Add Page Element
    3. Click Feed
    4. Click add to your blog
    5. And insert the following below. Just substitute the part in red with your own site url.


Using any of the above doesn’t really matter. It matters when you won’t insert it on indication below.

  1. As per my warning on the above paragraph. You can only have it up to 5 entries. This a sad truth about this method. But I think you won’t a long list anyway.
    1. Now put a title and click save. Now you have it!

If you find this helpful, leave a comment (my blog is a do-follow mind you!), link to me or buy me a coffee (click donate above).

Next: How to Enable Do Follow Tag on your Blogger Blog.

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SBA said...

Yes! It worked. My other widget from Hackosphere stopped working a couple of days ago --- I liked that it had a link to the author's profile which was in front of the comment. Also a limit of 5 is low. But beggars can't be choosers. Thanks for the tip.

DP said...

Thanks for the tip, it's working good at our site.

shounn said...

Hi everyone! thanks for leaving a comment! HIHI good that it worked... HIHI

Dilip Mutum said...

Thanks for the great tip. Have been on the lookout for one for quite sometime.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
I installed the widget on a PUBLIC Blog. It works fine.
I tried to do the same on a PRIVATE one. No way to make it work! The problem occurs when I fill up the URL information in the new FEED Page Element. It says "Invalid feed URL."
Any idea?
Thanks in advance

SBA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.