Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How to add Social Bookmarking Icons to your site

Today will talk about how to add social bookmarking icons on your site’s footer or header.

  • Note: this is for Blogger blogs only.
  • Log on to your dashboard
  • Click Layout
  • Click Edit HTML and tick expand widgets
  • Find this code if you want it to appear after every Post Title:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

  • Find this code if you want the icons to appear at the footer:

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
  • Find this code if you want the icons to appear at the end of every post but above the footer:

<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

  • Add this code below it:

Click here to retrieve the file

  • Preview it. And if you like how it looks then save it
  • If the above trick doesn’t work then contact me by commenting here. I’ll try to see what went wrong.
  • Source is: www.bloggerplugins.org

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Anonymous said...

your top commentators widget is not working because you filled the widget installer with www.cabaccishawn.blogspot.com/

instead of www.cabaccishawn.blogspot.com

Hope you will soon get this fixed..


Unknown said...

Your computer is rattling instructive and your articles are wonderful.
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