Monday, August 4, 2008

A new template!

I thank for my new template. As you can see, this one looks far better that the last uninviting one. Anyway, changing templates is a labor because you need to copy every necessary HTMLs on your blog which will get lost after you've downloaded the template. Being unexperienced with technical stuffs I was forced to learn, just now, how to view the file of a zipped file. I copied it and voila here it is.

OMG! where's the red background? This is supposed to be a blogger version of the wordpress' red premium template! The red background is lost! OMG! Lemme contact the maker....


See ya!

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Anonymous said...

This is regarding your request at LasVak. To solve the problem follow below procedure...

Save this image to your desktop (do remember this image url).

Now, upload the image to your account. You will get an url for the uploaded image.

Login to your blogger account go to Layout >> edit HTML. Find the old image url and replace it with the new url you got.

Save the template.