Saturday, June 16, 2007

Suite Life

The husband of my grand-aunt had just died last June 7, 2007. I could have written something on that day. But I was too lazy. He died of lung cancer. Damn you all smokers!! He had just half a century plus half a decade..heheh

Anyway, I had been into my classes for the first week. I really am not comfortable with the auras my new classmates have. The class is boring and it really sucks your energy out. There are no funnny people to cheer me up ( besides me..hehehe) and they're unknown to me. I just have a few classmates which I know for two sems. Just a few. Por vida.

The CEL 1 exam that I took gave me a false hope that I be inserted in a safe class block (a, B, C & D) but I was wrong. hahaiz. Now I have to stuggle my way into knowing new faces again. Nobody has the X-factor that I am looking for for a good company.

This is a new life that I will be living. New Faces. New Teachers.

Our BA 46 teacher gave us a welcome assignment. He's pretty funny. Cracking jokes as well as corny ones between lines. Hast la vista

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