Thursday, April 12, 2007


Category: Personal

Note: Some texts are written in latin/spanish but translations follows, I advice you not to read if you're squeamish.

I am not yet tired of nobody reading my blog, because I believe that someday, I will become a Shakespeare, entrancing readers, never letting their eyes go(hehe). Recently, I've been searching for definitive tips regarding adsense for bloggers. Found a blogpost containing a list of top-paying-adsense-keywords which I've been looking for. I nearly leaped for joy. I said at last, I'm two steps forward. But how will my adsense become a lucrative income source if i've got no traffic??!

Caramba (Darn it). Another prob I suppose. Move three steps backward.Be tolerant. You're not a talented mouse potato I said. It's all so true, becoming a compunerd is an arduous task. Task that will pay off obese income if one succeeds. Hahaiz. That means I have to strecth my patience for 6 months, waiting, exploring, learning. Tempus fugit.(time flies)

I posted about insurance dos dias ago, in re (let me say).... a stupid post. Por eso lo tengo delete ( That's why I have to delete it)

I've been self-studying spanish for a year, but the words fly away plus I've got a bad memory equals superficial learning. Please bear with me, if I'm on my personal mode my ideasare scattered, and I get a lil delirious.

Got to go! iHasta la vista! (until then)

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