Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Holy Rage

By: Kim Lauris Labasan

Holy RagePreacher man, judging you again
Telling you about your sins
He made himself god to say
Sinful life is not the way
Follow christ the lord of flies
In holy wars where people die
So as god fills your hollow mind
I will set my own rules of life
Body of christHoly rage
"Thou shalt not sin" are the words of the weak
Do you really believe in turning the other cheek?!
As so many others, you've been deceived
By the false servants of hate and greed
If there is a will there is a way
I'll never be on my knees to pray
You're taught to believe in christian lies
Words that will destroy your lives
Body of christ
Holy rage Amen
They fool you
They rule you
And soon they'll also own you
In murderous ways

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Michele said...

I enjoyed rreading this