Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Fellow

FYI I'm an SM scholar. I actually am not into opening my book of life. I just noticed that gradually I'm releasing personal information to the public. Oh my!! You try to search my name on Yahoo! and Google, try seanjames camello or shawn cabacci, my blog or my friendster account appears. That also means I existed online.....

A friend of mine named Jan made a link to my blog.....thanks Jan!!! so ill make a link to his too...

This is just a pingy post..hehehe... Sooner I'll make a standard post.hast la vista!!

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Bitter Soliloquy said...

Hahaha, Sean. You don't need to create a post to put me on linkback. You could just have put my blog address to one of your link lists. I feel flattered, and wary at the same time. :)

Yes, it's fine if you keep an online journal too, aside from this 'milking cow'. :p

Anyway, kudos to your blogging career, and hope you get all the riches in life. And yes, I clicked some of your ads, so expect some dollars accumulating on your AdSense. :)
