Friday, June 1, 2007

Lost Cause, sort of

There hasn't been updates this month of May. I've beeen on my month-long vacation in Argao, Cebu. I arrrived here in Cebu city to apply for an ID replacement. Fortunately the school guard didn't grill me as to the whereabouts of my beloved ID. Actually I was getting delirious these past few days, since I know that if you lost your ID then immediate action must be taken so as not to raise further complications. Me being kalog had applied just hours ago. ( I lost it on December 02, 2006) I was given temporary gate pass that expired last march (april and may are summer months in philippines--no class). hehehe

On the other side of the gate, everytime I cook I use Ginisa Mix as seasoning. There had been advertisements flashed on TV about there pasasalamat raffle. You just send your empty packs along with your info. I brought all twelve of those empty packs, bought envelopes and long bondpapers only to know the cut-off dates was yesterday. I seemed like a moron leaning on those drawboxes just to see the mechanics. Unlucky me.HEHEH

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