Monday, July 23, 2007

My Very fiRst SodukU

My friend Maranga and I are "Gods" when it comes to math..(just joking).Well, honestly, we're intelligent in math but sometimes we're so inattentive that we become incompetent during test (evidenced by low scores).haha I even discovered a shortcut formula in one area in integral calculus, which, sadly, being trashed by our teacher. (for a stupid reason but my fault).

When it comes to Soduku, even the simplest ones I flanked. Maranga does good a t it and the KRAZY ones seems so easy in less than 10 minutes. hmm... I grow impatient easily when I see numbers doubling up in a line. But heaven must triumph, because for the first time, my very first Soduku--solved...haha!! Well, the above picture wasn't the one I solved...hahah It was simpler and it took me 45 minutes to finish...huhu

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Vk-mahalkaayo said...

ay hindi ako marunong nito...
Soduku......wa talaga ako nito....taps-lazy

dito marami din gusto nito, youngs and olds one.

kumusta na,.....thanks sa padaan ha?

by the way, i click over, para sana yumaman ka....kaya lang hindi na lang muna ako

sigi, until next visit,....bye n tc